Rick Crom has been making me laugh for over 15 years. Stop being such  an asshole and take his class already" 
Jim Norton.  
Opie and Antony, Louie, Tough Crowd,Comedy Central 

"Rick is a great performer and a nice guy.  I recommend his class to anybody who wants to 
jump in and learn the basics."  - 
Jeffrey Ross

Comedy Central Roasts. Author of "I Only Roast the Ones I Love"

HomeClass DetailsInstructorsRegisterTestimonialsPhotosCellar 

Many Stand-up comedy Classes offered in New York City are crammed with up to 20 or more students in a 3 hour session. We believe that leaves insufficient time to acutally work on the material with the instructor after it's presented. We limit or class size to 10 so each student gets ample individual attention while in a group setting. 

Why are our classes special?  LIMITED CLASS SIZE, and an REAL instruction. 

 Many classes offered in the city are crammed with up to 20 or more students in a 3 hour period. We believe this does not leave sufficient time to actually work on material with the instructor once it's presented. We limit our online class size to no more than-10 so each student gets ample individual attention in a group setting. That way everybody gets to apply the lessons discussed with others to their own material. (Students do not "critique" each other.) 
 We are currently offering our in person Stand-up Comedy course and our online Comedy Storytelling course. From time to time we offer an online Stand-up course on Zoom.

We work in 2 areas: Writing and Performance. Rather than just a critique session, we work with you line by line, teaching and re-enforcing comedy writing structure as well as the performance technique.

In the Stand-up  course we will do 5 consecutive (once weekly)  sessions (About 3 hours each) in the Comedy Cellar on weekend afternoons or a rehearsal space for our week-night classes. 
This will be followed by a Live showcase performance at one of our Comedy Cellar Venues. These shows take place on a weekend afternoon for an audience invited by you,  These shows are NOT part of the Comedy Cellar's regular schedule.  

 The Comedy Story-telling course is 6 online sessions plus 1 live performance.

 The cost is 475.00 for the Live Classes and Zoom Classes (when offered), Payable in advance by credit card.

The overall goal of the classes is to provide you with the basic writing and performance skills to develop a 5 minute stand-up comedy routine.

You will learn the elements of joke structure and comedy writing technique. You will then learn how to take all that clever stuff you think  of all day and turn it into presentable stand-up comedy material. 

You will learn about different styles of delivery and timing.

You will learn the concepts of stage persona, character, and  point of view. This is especially useful to actors who want to learn stand-up. You'll  learn to what to use from your acting training and what NOT to use. 

You will learn to recognize and highlight elements of your own personality and how to  write from your own comic perspective.

You will learn performance technique. For those of you who rarely speak in front of crowds there are simple yet effective techniques you can use to transform your presentation from timid to masterful. 


*NOTE: You will be required to write your material down and Share  a copy to the instructor before working in the class each week via email or google docs. 

*NOTE: Easily offended people do not do well in this class. Politics, sex, race, and religion are
frequent topics. While our instructors will strive to shape the material to professional 
standards, we cannot guarantee you won’t be offended from time to time. It’s best to focus on
what YOU want to say and not worry about others. We are not going to spend time debating issues. Our goal is to make them funny​

Some returning students may also be in the Comedy Basics class. We work with everyone
individually, at their own pace so the basics is fine. It’s really about what’s most convenient for people’s schedules.

Classes will be filled in a first come first serve basis. As you know from last time they can sell out in a matter of minutes once opened to the general pubic.

THE COST:   The cost is 475.00 for the Live Classes and Zoom Classes (when offered), Payable in advance by credit card.

Once enrollment is confirmed all class tuitions and deposits are non-refundable unless the class would be canceled for some reason. (Which will not happen except for a Natural Disaster )


On rare occasions Rick Crom, Eddie Sarfaty, and Veronica Mosey may have to substitute for one another. Illness or big time show business opportunities can strike unexpectedly.​

IF YOU MISS A CLASS: No make-up classes are offered or guaranteed. It may be possible to sub in another class but check with your instructor.   

Classes, and showcase performances do not roll over into the next semester. Tuitions do not role over into the next semester.​

It is understood that to sign up for the class means you are committing to the entire fee of
$475.00, whether you attend those sessions or not. Tuitions are NON-REFUNDABLE.​

****The Comedy Cellar is hosting Rick Crom’s Comedy Class but is not the legally
 responsible party in any transaction or dispute. Rick Crom is the sole proprietor of “Rick Crom’s Comedy Class LLC” which is the legally responsible party in all transactions or disputes.